With over 40 years of experience, R T Boyd & Co Ltd has grown to be one of the most highly regarded civil engineering firms in the Mid Ulster area. All of our work reflects the finest in craftsmanship. In any project, R T Boyd & Co Ltd has always understood the importance of effective communication and working well with the entire team in all aspects of the work.
To that end, the foundation of our reputation rests on good management, transparent accounting and attention to detail; these principles are key to creating successful relationships during projects and into the future. Our goal is to assist you – our past and present clients – with many of the basic tasks that are necessary for the upkeep of the work. In addition, we are available to facilitate any small or large projects that your future needs require. R T Boyd & Co Ltd welcomes the opportunity to work with you on your next project.
Get in touch today 028 7940 1326 / roadworks@btopenworld.com
We offer the following services
Civil Engineering
Road work repairs
Road surfacing
Cold Milling

Federation of Master Builders
Please feel free to authenticate our FMB membership by clicking on this link. This will verify that we are a current member and will help explain that we have been vetted by the FMB and that we follow the Code of Practice.
The Federation of Master Builders (FMB) is the UK’s largest trade association in the building industry. Established in 1941 to protect the interests of small and medium-sized building firms, the FMB is independent and non-profit-making, lobbying continuously for members’ interests at both national and local levels.
Why Choose Us?
All of our employees are FMB qualified and trained to the highest of standards.
All Domestic Work are undertaken – No job is too big or small.
All Commercial Work is undertaken.
Emergency work is undertaken.
We offer Free Quotes to all our customers.
We hold full public liability insurance (up to £10,000,000), ensuring our customers peace of mind when using our services.
We offer Call Outs to all our customers.
All work is fully guaranteed.
We are associated with ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 with Auva & Safe-T-Cert & Constructionline.